Thoughts, musings, and whatever else I decide to dump from my mind.
Unlocking the Power of Compound Components in React
One of the patterns that can significantly improve our codebase is the Compound Component pattern. Today, we're diving deep into how this pattern works, the problems it solves, and some advanced techniques.
JavaScript Array Methods Cheatsheet
A simple cheatsheet for all the JavaScript Array Methods
Passing at least one optional prop with TypeScript
Setting if a prop is optional or not in TypeScript is really simple. But what if you have several optional props, you don't care which one is passed, but one of them has to? That's where Generics can save the day.
WTF are Design Tokens? | Belfast JS
I recently did a talk at Belfast JS on an introduction to Design Tokens. You can check out the recording here.
A neat dynamic glow effect for images
This will be a quick one. I've wondered for a while how Spotify do their dynamic colours from an album cover, so went down a rabbit hole. While I might look into a more accurate way , I discovered a neat trick for getting that dynamic glow effect on an image.
Is the title Front End Developer obsolete?
There has been an increasing issue where "Front End" just means anything to do with the browser or web. The shear amount of knowledge a Front End Developer apparently needed to know is so vast as to be impossible.
How to generate a PDF from a webpage with Node
How I generate a printable PDF version of my CV automatically every time I update it, using Node and a headless Chrome.
How to display a random cute animal on a 404 page
Hitting a 404 is usually an unpleasant experience so I'll try and balance that out with a pleasant one - and what does everyone love? Cute animals of course!
Sympathy for the Developer
How being a developer can make you a better designer.